Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of KINDER!

So big!
I can't believe today is your first day of kindergarten! Maybe it is because you are so tiny, it doesn't seem possible you could leave on the school bus and not come back for 8.5 HOURS. Or maybe it is because in your early months/years I never imagined this day would come. I remember watching as parents lamented this huge milestone and would think to myself, "Consider the alternative. Your child could quite literally stay in the baby stage forever and never go off to school, make new friends, learn new things. This is good. This is what you want." At that point, I didn't know school was even a possibility for you. Now the time is here and you are gone. I miss you, but am thrilled knowing you love school and receive excellent care there. Your teachers, nurse, therapists, bus driver and bus aide are all the same from last year, and each is wonderful.

So even though nothing changed for this school year other than the amount of time you will be gone, we woke up early to take those all important "first day of school" photos. Thankfully traffic was terrible and the bus was late, otherwise you may have gotten on the bus and left us with this.

You have no idea what it takes to get a decent picture of all of us around here. An act of God. ACT OF GOD.
With the extra minutes, we were able to grab some better photos to help remember this day.
As good as it's gonna get today.

So happy to go to school.
We love you Audrey!
This is what the proud parents of a kinder kid look like.
Or more specifically, this is what the proud parents of OUR kinder kid look like.
You came home with a great report. Even though you were given the opportunity, you didn't nap at all. I am so impressed. Last year you came home around noon and would sleep for 3 or 4 hours. I figured you would be exhausted today but instead you talked to me...LOUDLY...for a long time, telling me all about your day. Eventually you drifted off in your chair, and I let you catch a quick 45 minute nap before waking you. That was enough to keep you alert until bedtime at 8:00. You may not be able to sustain this pace all week, but already you have way exceeded my expectations. So proud of my kinder girl!
Lots to say about your day!

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