Friday, December 24, 2010

Advent Event

Our family was asked to read the Scripture and light the last of the Advent candles for our Christmas Eve service at church. We agreed weeks ago. Unfortunately, you and Liam both began running fevers today. We thought you two could tough it out for a few minutes and decided to go ahead with our plans. Brother did well (although he somehow snuck his passy onstage), but you were making me nervous. As we waited backstage, you kept taking deep breaths and making a little bit of gag face. I was praying you wouldn’t get sick out there in front of everybody. Success. You managed to keep it together so well that I’m guessing nobody even knew y’all were sick. You were very pretty in your Christmas dress!

Since neither of you could be put in childcare, the plan was to light the candles at the beginning of service and then head home. But we had forgotten Daddy was signed up to help pass out the Lord’s Supper. So we stayed in the lobby and watched on the monitors until service was finished. We went home after deciding to pass on the Stephens’ family Christmas party. It’s no fun being sick for Christmas. I hope you both wake up feeling better tomorrow.

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